Ludovico and Annibale Carracci. Ancient stories for two Bolognese fireplaces in the Michelangelo Poletti collection
by Servizi Musei Civici Bologna (Bologna Civic Museums)
The frescoes “Alessandro Magno e Taide incendiano Persepoli” (Alexander the Great and Taide set fire to Persepolis) by Ludovico Carracci and the “Morte di Didone” (Death of Didone) by Annibale Carracci were painted around 1592 for two fireplaces in Palazzo Lucchini, in Piazza Calderini. The two frescoes, detached from the wall for conservative reasons, are now exhibited to the public only once, extraordinary evidences of Bolognese artistic civilization.
18/5/2024 AT 18:00 | MUNICIPAL ART COLLECTIONS, Palazzo D'Accursio, Piazza Maggiore, 6
Afterwards, at 9:45 p.m., guided tour of the exhibition “Gli affreschi svelati” (The frescoes unveiled)
Admission: cost 1€